Pros RF is a radio engineering and licensing assistance firm involved with the licensing of systems in the Private Land Mobile Radio Service (also known as Part 90). PLMRS is fixed and mobile radio communications systems used to support Public Safety and Business. PLMRS is not broadcast radio or television, aviation, maritime, citizens band, or amateur radio services. Neither is it fixed microwave services, nor services related to spectrum allocated for Federal Government use. These other services each have their own rules and regulations that are quite separate from those of the Private Land Mobile Radio Service and, unfortunately, fall outside the scope of our expertise.
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Licensing Services
Filing for an FCC Mobile Land Radio license for single or multiple licenses can be a time-consuming and complex task. Pros RF offers Licensing Services to assist in streamlining the process by providing expert assistance gathering the required data and assuring applications are complete and accurate.

Education Services
Educate yourself about the process of filing for and managing FCC licensure for Land Mobile Radio Operation. Learn more about our classes and course materials available online.

Do you have questions about FCC Private Land Mobile Radio service? We have answers to many frequently asked questions, in addition to articles and useful links.